Title: "Angels at sea" Description: In days of yore, sailors sang of the Angels that delivered them from tormenting storms, vicious sea monsters, and kept them from falling off the edge of the earth.
Production Notes: When I first started working on this picture, I wanted to focus not on Angels, but on their deeds. After all, if Angels just sat around drinking coffee and talking about the stock market, they wouldn't be nearly as intriguing. I also wanted to give a slightly different look than what I'm used to doing...something closer to an illustration you may find in a child's encyclopedia or an old text book (but not as extreme as those old black/white sketch drawings).
The majority of this picture was done using GIMP for Win32. This is my first real attempt to do the majority of a picture in a 2D application. Starbits was used for part of the sky.
The boat was rendered in Bryce..it's a modified version of a "Flying Dutchman" model I downloaded from www.3dcafe.com. It was rendered with very basic solid colors for easier detailing later. Details were done in GIMP. Also, the light rays were rendered in Bryce and used as an additive layer.
The angel was rendered in Poser. She was then placed in GIMP and modified as to give her both an "anonymous" look (her facial features can not be distinguished) and mysterious (as most beings made of pure light tend to be).
So the final breakdown is....90% GIMP, 8% Bryce, 1% Poser, 1% Starbits, and 1000% thanks to all my friends out there who acted as a second pair of eyes when I thought mine had officially fallen out of my skull...and for the great suggestions that came out of it.